Friday, Day 4 of riding East, was a pretty easy ride. I’ve done this route many times riding to Becky’s house in Troy. I ditched my trailer at my house and like I suspected, I felt super light and fast. I had a slight northerly wind in my face which slowed me up a bit, and these trails have a lot of intersections at roads which require you to stop (mostly slow down if there’s a decent view of the cross road). Other than the first couple of miles getting to Island Lake State Park to catch the beginning of the trail, and at the very end coming off the trail to get to Becky’s house, the trip was on rail trails.
I don’t think there is a sign for the Island Lake Connector trail so I can’t show that here. But the next 4 pictures are the markers at each of the trails I rode. Each of them flow one to the next.

Best part of the trip so far was a little happy hour and dinner at Becky’s!!! After a little wine for her and Captain & Coke Zero for me, we prepared one of my favorite dishes (It’s mostly her, but I get credit since I have to help 😁). We’ve stumbled across a couple different recipes and improvisation to get us to the best macaroni and cheese anywhere! It consists of minced garlic, red pepper, spinach, bacon, four cheeses, and noodles. But then we crush Cheese-Its on top and bake it for a few minutes. Fantastic!!!
Last day tomorrow! I’ll take off from Becky’s and back-track to the Clinton River Trail where I left it today. Then it’s on to Port Huron where I will dip my front wheel into Lake Huron.
Stay tuned!!!
Great all those trails are connected. Keep the updates coming
Indeed! That’s the goal for a lot of these trail planners; connect the trails for a continuous ride. This ride across Michigan can be mostly trails with just a little bit more to connect them all.
Well deserved dinner and cocktail!
Super fun way to earn a dinner and cocktail — almost impossible to over eat 😁