How Rude!!!

I was riding last night around Brighton and surrounding areas.  I was on Challis Road; nicely paved with a couple of feet to the right of the white line so I could stay out of the way of the minor traffic.  I had a nice climb from the base of Mt. Brighton ski area and was headed towards Grand River Ave.  The best part of biking in my area is that you have short but steep climbs followed by a nice descent.    On the descent, I was going 30+ mph when I came upon Library Dr, where a motorcycle was looking to turn onto Challis Road.  The timing was such that he probably had to wait 3 seconds for me to clear out of the way.  He was not happy!  At first I figured he was telling me how cool my bike was, but no!  He was letting me know his opinion that I should get out of the F’ing way, that bikes belonged on the F’ing sidewalk, that I’m a F’ing a** hole, and so on. How Rude!!!

This wasn’t the first incident and I’m sure it won’t be the last. I just try to ignore anyone who’s that enraged over something so silly.  For the record, it’s not easy riding on the side of the road.  Sometimes you find yourself with no room to the right of the white line.  Sometimes the road is so beat up that it’s impossible to stay on a straight line.  Sometimes there are dead animals or other debris in the way that forces you to take more of the lane.  There are a myriad of reasons why the ride can get dicey and make it dangerous, and cars pose the greatest risk!

All I can ask of anyone who drives is give some room to someone on a bicycle and be patient.  We’re just out trying to have some fun.

By Dennis

Ninth generation Howell in North America


  1. Metaphor for life… We all need to be a little more patient and tolerant of our fellow neighbors, no matter the situation. Be careful out there Dennis!

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