One Photo – Six Generations

Wow!  I was sharing a bit of my family story at work and I was thrilled to hear that one of my co-workers, Dawana Davis, had a story to tell as well.  I told her that if she shared this picture of her family with me, I would put it in the blog.

Dawana is the baby in this picture.  Her great-great-great  grandmother Edrina Williams is in the lower front, born in 1881. Clockwise is her great-great grandmother Edrena Smothers, born in 1908.  Great grandmother Ethel Donelson, born in 1927, followed by her grandmother Elnora Thomas, and Father Dwayne Thomas. That is incredible and has to be super rare for one photo to show six generations. 

To put that in perspective in my family, my great-great-great grandfather was born in 1785 and his wife in 1790.  Either of them would have to have been 170+ years old for me to be in a photo with them.  

My mom’s mother passed when I was 2 months old.  My mom’s father passed when I was 6 years old.  My dad’s father passed when I was 9 years old.  I have a few memories of my grandpas for sure, but way more of my dad’s mother who passed when I was in college.

I guess that’s why I’m so intrigued when I hear of stories like this.

Thanks for sharing Dawana!!!

By Dennis

Ninth generation Howell in North America


  1. Hey Dennis thanks for sharing it’s also nice to hear about your great grand parents now I want to go a little further back in history

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