The Pre-Ride

The group gathered at my house yesterday and today we were able to get out for our first ride together.  We went to Island Lake State Park and Kensington Metro Park for a 22 mile ride.  I’ve done this ride so many times, but for Greg and Jason, this was new and exciting.  Their go-to ride has been the St. Mark’s trail in Tallahassee, FL.  It’s as straight and flat as an arrow.  This track has some rolling hills and winding roads, so a nice warm up for what we’ve got coming.


Greg has been having an issue with his back tire losing air pressure.  We took it back to Motor City Bicycles and Ian re-taped the rim, filled it with sealant, and cleaned the whole drive train because he’s awesome!  He’s keeping the bike overnight for observation. Hopefully in the morning, it will have kept the air pressure up and we can cross that problem off our list.  With only 1 free day to go, we need everything to be smooth.  


When we finished the ride, we packed the truck with our camping equipment and supplies;  two tents, sleeping pads, sleeping bags, cooking hardware, propane tank, folding chairs, laundry stuff, power cords, miscellaneous tools, and so much more.  It’s not quite the Beverly Hillbillies, but it’s full.   We still have to pack the cooler, food, clothes bags, and kitchen sink(kidding).  I guess the rest is going in the back seat of the cab. If we do have to get rescued, we will have to open up the tonneau cover and pile everything on top.  I’ll be sure to share that photo!!


I’m still working on my video skills.  I took some today and was able to create a 1 minute “movie”.  I inadvertently turned off the image stabilization so it’s not as smooth as I know it can be.  I was able to cut out most of the parts where my hand shows up to stop the video, but the very last scene I had to keep it in so I could finish it like I wanted.  It’s below — enjoy!!!

By Dennis

Ninth generation Howell in North America


  1. Awesome Views! Great Job Greg and Jason! Photographer was amazing…This is so exciting! Good Luck Team!

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