Ride of My Life

I couldn’t have done this ride without the support I received:

1) Becky Howell — We asked a lot and you delivered.  Setting up and taking down the campsites, cooking breakfast and dinner, doing laundry, and driving the truck to where we needed it.

2) Mike Howell — I called the bullpen and Mike finished the game.  He hustled up from AZ, drove the truck to where I needed it, provided bellhop services at the hotels for us, and did laundry.  It was great to spend time together on this epic.

3) Greg Howell, Jason Rybicki, and Mike Howell — Riding with me for parts of this crazy 19 day epic bicycle ride.

4) All of you that commented words of encouragement, texted or emailed me separately, subscribed to the blog, or were just out there following along.

What a blast!!!


1) 1020 miles with 41,743 feet of elevation gain

2) Traversed 5 states (Michigan-Ohio-Pennsylvania-New Jersey-Pennsylvania-New York)

3) 84 hours of riding time

4) 29,199 calories burned.  I don’t know how accurate that number is, but I can report that I jumped on the scale on Day 20 and was 7 lbs. lighter than when I took off on Day 1.  I thought that might be some water weight loss, but I rode another 135 miles over the last 3 days and now I’m 9 lbs. lighter.  That wasn’t the reason I rode, but it is certainly a nice bonus. (And yes, a couple of those lbs are probably just dehydration.)


I am working on a video that brings it all together.  That will be my next post but will take me a little while.  Stay tuned!

By Dennis

Ninth generation Howell in North America


  1. As hard as Becky Howell worked, I think her calorie burn should get equal billing :).

    Congrats Dennis. Really incredible accomplishment. Gotta get together for a full debrief and some calorie restoration.

    1. Thanks Kirk!! Yes, I’m ready for some of your home brew especially made for me.

      Everyone — Kirk brews his own beer and his favorite is anything IPA. He knows I’m not a huge fan so he makes me a special lager that’s too weak for him to drink :-). It’s fantastic!

  2. As they say, it takes a village! A HUGE congratulations to you and your amazing support team! 🎉💪🚴‍♂️ It’s not over yet!

  3. I am glad you had such a supportive team. Thank you guys for assisting Dennis with his ride. I was happy to meet Dennis again and Mike for the first time and show them around the New Jersey area. I had a blast and love talking about the family tree with them. Until next time!

    1. Thanks Dawana!!! Quite an adventure. I took the last week off from the blog — no video yet, but I hope to start on it this week.

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