Best Summer Ever!!!

It has been a long time since I posted anything on my blog.  I was busy having one of the best summers ever!


A lot of good news in the genealogy space — Generation 11 arrived in March, and Gen 10 and family moved back to Michigan in September.  Yay!!!

On the biking front — I didn’t do any more touring but I did ride a lot of miles.  For the year, through September, I logged 5003 miles.  I have 3 months to add to the mileage.  I’m not done yet!!!!



The best part of the biking was adding a companion to some of my riding.  Becky bought a bike this summer and started to ride with me.  I’m amazed at how well she’s taken to it — we did 32 miles together on the Macomb Orchard Trail.

Biking is definitely my favorite outdoor activity, but a close second is hiking.  Becky and I were able to get away in October to Washington State and hike around the North Cascades and Mount Rainier. We logged 46 miles and 9 hikes on that adventure.  This picture is from Tolmie Peak Fire Lookout with Mount Rainier in the background.

I’m starting to add content to my YouTube channel.  I know I promised a video of the New Jersey bike ride, but first I’m working on some other video as I hone my skills.  Check out this video of the 1st day of the Washington Hiking Adventure.  If you like or don’t, feel free to add comments, and definitely subscribe to my channel for notifications when I post new content.

By Dennis

Ninth generation Howell in North America


  1. Awesome, I was hoping for a polar bear plunge into Snow Lake by one or both of you. You need walking sticks! (at least for the descent)

    1. There was no way I was going to do it and I couldn’t talk Becky into it!!!!
      That would have been so cool though. There were 50 people up there while we were there and only a couple of dogs went in.

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