Mt. Rainier Hiking

Becky and I spent 3 days hiking around Mt. Rainier to close out our Washington hiking trip.


Check out the video on YouTube below!

By Dennis

Ninth generation Howell in North America


  1. Love the narration! It’s funny, your point about the signs is true – I’d want to check it all out at once! Laura may need some convincing.

    I love the mix of pines and spruce with the high altitude rocks and snow.

    1. Thanks Frank! It’s a lot of fun to do the narration with Becky and it makes for a more interesting video we think. We did 1 hike per day while we were out there, which was plenty. You could spend a lot of time and do a bunch of hikes, that’s for sure.

  2. Dennis- thanks for the views. Tim Stork and I were out there in mid September and only hiked the westside of Rainier and it was foggy and wet and chilly and we couldn’t see much. The sunrise side looked much better!


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